Introduction to Deep Learning
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Deep Learning refers to the training of large neural networks (with multiple hidden layers) using vast amounts of training data.
Neural Networks are Machine Learning models inspired by the vast interconnection of biological neurons in the human brain. These networks consist of input and output layers, and one or more hidden layers. Each layer contains several nodes/neurons. Every node in the input layer is connected to every node in the hidden layer, and so on.
Deep Neural Networks have multiple hidden layers.
Neural Networks are incredibly good at mapping the input variables x to the target variable y, if given enough training data and sufficient information about x and y.
The image below depicts a simple neural network to predict house prices, given certain features of the house:
Supervised Learning is a type of Machine Learning paradigm wherein the output labels are known in advance i.e. before we train the model. There are mainly two Supervised Learning techniques:
Classification: The target variable has discrete values (yes/no, 0/1, etc.)
Regression: The target variable has continuous values (home prices, etc.)
Some common applications of Supervised Learning techniques:
Input (x)
Output (y)
Type of Neural Network
Home Features
Real Estate
Standard NN
Ad, User Info
Click on Ad? (0/1)
Online Advertising
Standard NN
Object (1, ..., 1000)
Photo Tagging
Convolutional NN
Text Transcript
Speech Recognition
Recurrent NN
Machine Translation
Recurrent NN
Image, Radar Info
Position of other Cars
Autonomous Driving
Hybrid/Custom NN
Note: RNNs are mainly used for sequence data/time series data, i.e. data that exhibits a temporal property.
Structured data refers to data that has a well-defined meaning and can usually be stored in organized databases. Examples include prices, ages, etc.
Unstructured data refers to data that doesn't have a well-defined meaning. Examples include pixel data, audio data, etc.
Machines usually find it harder to make sense of unstructured data, when compared to structured data, but advances in neural networks are making computers capable of understanding unstructured data as well.
In the last few years, we have seen a tremendous increase in the amount of data available for training our ML models. The performance of traditional ML algorithms increases upto a point, when we increase the amount of data, but then plateaus because they are not able to take advantage of the large amounts of training data.
For Neural Networks, however, the performance increases as either of the following increase:
Size of the training data
Size of the Neural Network
As depicted by the following graph, we can see a change in performance only when there are large amounts of data, because for small amounts of data, performance depends more on feature engineering than the model architecture.
Another important factor that has led to improved performance of ML models is the improvements made to training algorithms. For example, using the ReLU activation function instead of the Sigmoid activation function speeds up the training of neural networks. Also, advances in GPU computing have accelerated the training of efficient Deep Learning models.
To summarize, the main drivers of Deep Learning success are:
More data
More efficient computation
Better algorithms