Growing Annuity

A growing annuity is a finite stream of cash flows that grow at a constant rate and that are evenly spaced in time.

E.g., Income streams, savings strategies, project revenue/expense streams

PV of Growing Annuity = CFRg(1(1+R1+g)T)\frac{CF}{R-g}*(1-(\frac{1+R}{1+g})^{-T})

Again, this formula assumes that the first cash flow occurs at t=1. If it occurs at t=0, add it to the above formula.

Also, g must be less than R.

Simple Example

How much do you have to save today to withdraw $100 at the end of this year, $102.5 after the next year,
$105.06 the year after, and so on for the next 19 years, if you earn 5% per annum?

So, PV = 1000.050.025(1(1+0.051+0.025)20)\frac{100}{0.05-0.025}*(1-(\frac{1+0.05}{1+0.025})^{-20}) = $1529.69

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